“May the noise in you power you to grow to make music again”

Perhaps when we find ourselves bobbing our heads to inner resonance, we’re glimpsing what could be a lovely alignment of frequencies, that which we call music.

Prickler plant, UNC Botanical Gardens

Escape by Transformation

There is something savory about the friction furnished by the subtle stubble on your face; it’s like a gentle, tingly massage cueing me in to the currency of the moment. If … Continue reading Escape by Transformation

artistic ones and zeros, old computer magic

“Searching for Lost Pieces of Self”

Mid-sentence and crowded by a familiar stranger, something clicks over. The fear is back. The sweat percolates just below the blank space between each collar bone, in the narrow valley between … Continue reading “Searching for Lost Pieces of Self”

  Breaking Through (I felt a Funeral, in my Brain)

The passage from one state of being to another is an intrinsic function catalyzing the cycle of life. Emily Dickinson successfully illustrates this movement between states of being in her … Continue reading   Breaking Through (I felt a Funeral, in my Brain)