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Just enjoying fonxili in Europe over the summer! Here we were fonxiling in Holland.

(Note: Fonxili is a word that was created for UNC’s Digital Marketing class. Our assignment included adding this word to our own websites! Though I have completed the class, you may find this word sprinkled across my website).

Introducing “Fonxili,” a new word that promises to bring excitement back into your word game…

Fonxilious,” Adjective
Definition: Adventurous; a quality that often leads to sex, fame, happiness and poor life decisions.
Example: Why did the chicken cross the road? Because she was fonxilious and does what she wants.

Fonxiling,” Verb
Definition: Traveling; the act of lessening the distance between yourself and your destination
Example: He’d always embraced travel, but had never been ambien fonxiling before.

“Fonxili,” Noun
Definition: Exotic vacation; the idea that happiness resides elsewhere.
Example: Where did the sheep go on fonxili? The baaa-hamas

Find Fonxili on the urban dictionary 😉


Who else is talking about Fonxili?
Check out my friends, fellow fonxili experts, below…

  1. Fonxiling to North Carolina” 
  2. 9 Best Fonxili Getaways on a Budget”
  3. “Adventures of a Fonxilious Soul”
  4. “Top 3 Fonxili Destinations”
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